Ashley Mortar Correction


Ashley Mortar Correction

Ashley, NZ

Residential builder and homeowner

Colour Matching Mortar of Brickwork Facade

Material & Application

For these colour matching projects our colour technicians create a custom colour of ECOTONE Matt onsite to better blend in with the mortar surrounds. At ECOTONE we don’t use stencils; as with every mortar project our custom colour stain was applied carefully by brush to the mortar only so not to affect each individual brick on the façade, completing the colour match with precision.


This recently built house had mortar that was unfortunately too light and patchy in some areas. The homeowners wanted it darkened to achieve a more uniform appearance. Our NZ ECOTONE team worked closely with the homeowners to develop a custom stain using our ECOTONE colours, which was then applied to all the exterior mortar of the house to better blend with the desired mortar colour. We delivered a top-notch colour match saving costly repairs and project delays.


If you have a similar project in mind, get in touch.

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Accreditation - Ecotone
